Welcome to Your New Year!
With a new year and decade beginning today, many of us are making big, beautiful, hopeful resolutions for 2020!
This will be the year we finally apply for that job promotion; the year we lose that extra 20 lbs. We’ll save up enough money to take that big trip we’ve been dreaming of; we’ll exercise five times a week instead of twice. We’ll be a more loving spouse or partner; we’ll be more patient with our kids.
We have such good intentions, we start off full of energy and enthusiasm like there’s a fire burning under us.
And yet, for every person making resolutions today, research shows that within one week, a quarter of us will give up. Perhaps more surprisingly, fewer than 1 in 10 will actually persevere with our goals until the end of the calendar year!
Why does this happen?
“Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right!” ~ Henry Ford
With a new year and decade beginning today, many of us are making big, beautiful, hopeful resolutions for 2020!
This will be the year we finally apply for that job promotion; the year we lose that extra 20 lbs. We’ll save up enough money to take that big trip we’ve been dreaming of; we’ll exercise five times a week instead of twice. We’ll be a more loving spouse or partner; we’ll be more patient with our kids.
We have such good intentions, we start off full of energy and enthusiasm like there’s a fire burning under us.
And yet, for every person making resolutions today, research shows that within one week, a quarter of us will give up. Perhaps more surprisingly, fewer than 1 in 10 will actually persevere with our goals until the end of the calendar year!
Why does this happen?
Is it simply human nature to give up on the things that matter most?
Are we just weak? Do we lack the courage or heart to achieve our dreams?
Do other people just have more tenacity than we do?
Thankfully, the answer is NO.
The key to becoming one of those rare few who actually sticks with your cherished hopes and plans is available to you right now! In fact, you carry it with you everywhere you go, at every moment.
That special magic? The secret sauce?
It’s created in your brain. Your magnificent, powerful, amazing brain contains every ingredient right now - every single ounce of inspiration and grit and sticktoitiveness you will ever need to accomplish your goals… and every goal you will ever have, forever.
Did you know that the average human brain has many thousands of thoughts each day?
That’s right. Even you!
THOUSANDS of thoughts.
Imagine harnessing even a handful of them to help you, as your assets and allies.
Now instead consider how we often talk to ourselves about our cherished hopes after we make a New Year’s Resolution:
“I’m not lucky like that.”
“Things like that happen to other people, but not to me.”
“Even if I try, it won’t really matter.”
“Let’s be honest, I don’t really have what it takes.”
“I missed my chance.”
The list goes on and on. Is it any wonder that so many of us give up easily on our resolutions when we talk to ourselves so negatively all day long? We choose to think such terrible things about ourselves.
How many of our daily thoughts are constructive?
Even more, how can we learn to believe the things that are helpful… when often our the negative thoughts feel so REAL?
I’ve spent years now studying this topic in depth, training and learning as much as possible to manage my own mind and now to help my clients to manage theirs.
The great news is that, just like practicing for a sport or learning a language, it is totally possible to become the master of your own mind. It just takes understanding, time and repetition.
Here are 4 simple steps to make sure that this year you don’t throw out your resolutions before the end of January!
1) Figure out what you actually believe about your New Year’s Resolution. Deep down, do you honestly think you will achieve it? Do you feel confident that you have what it takes? Dig to find out what you believe about yourself. What are the quiet, ugly thoughts that creep into your mind when you contemplate your resolution? Uncover them all - every sad, frustrated or dismissive thought you’ve got!
2) Once you’ve identified the ugly thoughts, CHALLENGE them! Your brain may tell you that you’re not smart enough, not strong enough, not capable! Suddenly you may remember every single time you’ve ever failed at anything, any time you’ve felt stupid or humiliated. So what? Those memories are not constructive. Ignore all of the noise in your brain. It’s not helping you move forward.
3) Decide what you WANT to believe about yourself and your resolution. Search for the positive; scan your memory for examples of times when you DID achieve your goal… when you stuck to the plan! Collect evidence of times when you rose to the occasion; saved the day; got the job done. Make a list of every time you DID follow through!
4) Now comes the real work. Over the coming days, weeks and months: Keep your brain laser-focused on thoughts that make you feel totally empowered and motivated. Every time you start to doubt yourself, look again at your list of all of the times you won; all of the times you succeeded at anything! Focus on your talents and abilities. Let the negative “I can’t do it” chatter melt away. Take one step forward every day, track your progress, and keep on going!
New Year’s Resolutions? You’ve totally got this! Become part of the <10% who set a goal in 2020 and actually achieve it. I believe in you and your beautiful, powerful mind!
If you need any help figuring out the process along the way contact me for a free trial session. I’d love to help you make 2020 your year of THRIVING!