Blended Families: Joy In The Journey Together, Featuring Claudia Z. Hill and Erin Weinman
As of 2020, approximately 40% of marriages in the United States end in divorces that often involve and affect children. This isn't the end of the story though; as many of those new single parents WILL find true love again, marry, and begin the hard but beautiful work of blending two families.
In this heartwarming conversation expert coaches Claudia Z. Hill and Erin Weinman speak with me to tell the true, behind-the-scenes story of what it's like to blend two families together when you've fallen in love and married for the second time. They will get real about the hard stuff and also dig deep into how to build authentic, loving relationships with your new partner's children!
Listeners will learn about the ups and downs of splitting holidays and creating new family traditions; helping kids navigate the transition between two houses; learning when to let go; figuring out how to co-parent a blended family and navigate the complexities of disciplining kids that are not your own; honoring the grieving process and space that a child may need when grappling with big, permanent changes to their family unit; the absolute joy of co-grandparenting; and MUCH more!
Whether you're happily married or remarried, a single parent or just interested in the topic, this fun, genuine and tender episode will dissolve ugly stereotypes about stepparents, introduce you to a phenomenal alternative title for stepchildren, and put a huge smile on your face all throughout the holiday season!!! You're going to love it!