Understanding Your Romantic Attachment Style: Anxious, Avoidant & Secure Relationships
Penny and José have been married for 9 years and have two daughters. Penny worries about how distant José can be, and how he seems to compartmentalize his family life away from his work. José, for his part, thinks Penny can be a bit clingy and needy and he often calls her out for being too 'emotional.' Even though they love each other and want their relationship to work, they are really struggling. Unknowingly, Penny and José are caught up in the famous 'anxious-avoidant trap' that often sabotages relationships.
In Episode 3 (Season 2) of the Infinite Capacity Podcast, host Andrea Morton takes you on a deep dive into the science of adult attachment in romantic relationships, highlighting the groundbreaking work of psychologist John Bowlby along with an outstanding book "Attached. The new Science Of Adult Attachment And How It Can Help You Find - And Keep - Love," by Dr. Amir Levine and Rachel Heller, M.A.
Exploring 'anxious,' 'avoidant' and 'secure' attachment styles, Morton will help you to look closely at your own attachment style in romantic relationships and also the attachment style of your current or or past partner(s).
She will also help you identify if you have a 'type' when it comes to attraction and attachment styles, in order to help you see patterns and understand complex relationship dynamics.
This fascinating episode includes coaching tips and strategies to help couples like Penny and José to move forward - together - on a productive path leading toward a more secure relationship.
Whether you are new to a relationship, seeking a relationship, or have been in your relationship for decades, this episode is a must-listen!