Welcome to a New Year!
In this short video I will share a quick and easy strategy to help you manage any negative thinking that may pop up as you begin to tackle goals and plan your new year!
Andrea Morton Talks Coaching “On The Hot Seat”
In this fast-paced and fun interview with Justin Brennan, Andrea Morton talks to moms in midlife about getting their groove back, exploring passions and re-energizing goals… PLUS great advice about navigating COVID-19!
Unconditional Love
Are you feeling frustrated or disappointed with someone today? Do you sometimes feel like walking away or cutting this person out of your life?
It may sound counterintuitive but choosing to feel unconditional love can be an amazing, empowering option in situations like this.
YOU can transform your relationships… and feel better! Click play (above) to learn more!
Losing The COVID Fifteen (Lbs!)
Busy, stressed out moms have been holding everything (and everyone!) together for the past 6 months - through the global pandemic, the U.S. election cycle, protests in the streets, work (or the lack of it) and much more. Yet, to hold themselves together so they can be there for everyone else… they are often relying on food.
Learn to care for your own body as kindly as you would care for a treasured friend! Learn here about the new group coaching course that Andrea Morton will be offering on Wednesday nights.
Self Care While Quarantining With Small Kids
Quarantine is not easy for anyone, but it is perhaps hardest for parents of small children. Mothers who are trying to do their jobs from home while simultaneously taking care of distance learning for small children need self-care now more than ever. Click the play button (above) twice to learn more!
Look For Something Beautiful
It’s so easy to focus on negativity. Our brains are wired for it. We are constantly scanning the horizon for danger. Yet, it’s far healthier to focus on beauty. Beauty exists, all around us.
Here is a quick tip to increase feelings of peace and calm and reduce stress or anxiety. Using this strategy 3-4 times a day will make you feel a lot better, even when the world appears chaotic with so much outside of your control.
Click play (above) to learn more!
Growing Our Capacity
If you, like millions of others, find yourself sheltering in place due to COVID-19 aka coronavirus you may feel as though your entire life has suddenly ground to a halt.
Here’s a third strategy for moving forward, increasing your sense of peace and joy and reducing any stress or anxiety you may be experiencing while cooped up at home.
This strategy is useful all of the time, even when there is no crisis or pandemic!
Practice Creative Giving
If you and your kiddo(s) are stuck at home, feeling anxious or frustrated while social distancing or in quarantine due to Coronavirus aka COVID-19, this strategy is 200% guaranteed to make everyone feel better while also helping the world.
Turning your focus away from ruminating on possible negative outcomes and directing it instead toward helping others in creative ways has incredible benefits for all involved. Click play (above) to learn more!
Keeping A Healthy Mindset Despite COVID-19
Coronavirus aka COVID-19 is having a major impact upon people's lives right now: their health, their jobs, their investments, their future plans... time spent with elderly relatives... everything.
There has never been a more important time to take good care of your mind. Having mental strength, stability and inner peace will make a tremendous difference for you as you move forward into the unknown.
Here are some ideas about how to create and hold onto constructive thoughts. Wishing you excellent health in all ways!
Let Go Lightly
Have you ever held onto something (or someone!) long past the time to let go? Have family members and friends told you gently that it was time to move on… but you just weren’t ready to hear it?
It’s normal and natural for humans to hold on tightly to the jobs, experiences and relationships that we know well; to the life that we are accustomed to. Letting go can feel scary and bring up our anxieties.
Learn more about how you can finally begin the empowering work of letting go! Click play (above) to learn more.
The Imaginary Alternative: How It Affects Your Happiness Right Now!
In our imaginary lives, everything tends to be rosier, brighter and better. We believe that in the imaginary alternative, we would have more money, we’d be more successful, we’d feel happier. We’d probably even be better looking, LOL!!!
The problem with focusing on an imaginary alternative is that it robs us of our chance to focus on and build from the place we’re in RIGHT NOW. Click play (above) to learn more!
Freedom & Flexibility
If you’ve ever been stuck in traffic, stressed out and frustrated about running late to an appointment, you know how much that experience can take away from the quality of your entire day. It can also affect your ability to focus, learn and show up as your best self!
Have you considered working with a life coach but then wondered if you actually have the time and/or energy? Click play (above) to learn how online coaching can tremendously increase the VALUE you receive from working with a life coach!
Past Focus vs. Future Focus
It can be easy to define yourself by past failures, lifelong limitations or things you have not managed to accomplish yet.
One strategy that can change your life is embracing a future focus… defining yourself and your capacity not by what you’ve never done before… but by what you’d LOVE to do! Click play (above) to learn more!