Living and Thriving as a Highly Sensitive & Emotional Mom

In her groundbreaking book "The Highly Sensitive Person", Psychotherapist Elaine N. Aron, PhD writes, "Most people walk into a room and perhaps notice the furniture, the people... (but) Highly Sensitive Persons can be instantly aware, whether they wish to be or not, of the mood, the friendships and enmities, the freshness or staleness of the air, the personality of the one who arranged the flowers."

Oh boy, did she ever nail me. THIS IS ME.  And long before I knew the label 'highly sensitive person,' I knew that not only am I weirdly intuitive in social situations but that I also become emotionally flooded and overstimulated more easily than a lot of the people around me. As Aron shares, when people like me get overwhelmed we become 'distressed, clumsy and confused.'  I am super affected by other people's moods and emotions, and sometimes that has led to reactions I'm not proud of.

Yet this same heightened intuition, sensitivity, emotion and empathy also served me well as a teacher, friend and daughter.

It was only when I became a Wife and a Mom (surrounded by squabbling kiddos and other people's emotions 24/7) that I REALLY had to face living as a highly sensitive person and figure out once and for all how to better navigate my relationships and manage my own mind and emotions... for the health & well-being of my family. 

That is how I found my way to life coaching and (later) the career of my dreams coaching overwhelmed, stressed out mamas like me!

Today's super vulnerable podcast is the most personal, powerful thing I've ever shared live.  I hope you'll pass it along to all of the other sensitive, emotional mamas that you may know and love, so they can learn from my funny stories, true confessions and mistakes.

(This episode was recorded LIVE in Austin, Texas at The Life Coach School - Mastermind 2022.)


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